Sci-Plus 2300
Replaces Sci-Plus 300 Calculator
Accessibility Improvements
- Large four-line graphical display with selectable contrast:
lets you see results of previous calculations and paste them into new expressions.
- Adjustable display backlight for operating in low-light conditions.
- Graphical display allows complete expressions to be displayed
in a more natural format.
- Long life battery, rechargeable through USB (country specific USB charger included).
- Large print user's manual.
- Available in silver or blue.
- Speech output (earbuds included) in two languages,
English plus one of Spanish/German/Arabic/French.
Calculation Improvements
- Evaluates functions in the form y=f(a,b,c,x).
- Statistics:
- add/remove from table, mean, variance, std dev, mode, sum of squares
- Memory operations:
- memory store/recall, add, subtract, mult, div, swap.
- degrees-minutes-seconds:
- Decimal degrees operations.
- Enhanced conversions between degress, radians, gradians.