Help students enlarge their reading, spelling, & speaking essential words.
The WordWheel Program has two components: Attainment's WordWheel and
the WordWheel Workbook.
The WordWheel allows students to make hundreds of words by turning
three self-contained wheels — for word beginnings, middle vowels and
word endings. The WordWheel has an easy side for making words like
sing and bed, and a more challenging side for words like brush and
The WordWheel Workbook has 15 chapters of student worksheets for use
with or without the WordWheel. Exercises, for instance, include "s"
words and words containing "ing." Worksheets are uncluttered and
illustrations are age neutral, making them an ideal phonics
supplement for older students.
Includes a covered spiral bound workbook, 180 pages, with a Win/Mac
CD with printable PDF and one WordWheel.
Also available with one Workbook and five WordWheels (see Choose
Options below). WordWheels also available separately.