Intro Kit
This curriculum consists of two Student Books with
corresponding Teacher’s Guides. The Student Books are organized
theatrically with acts and scenes. The seven acts reflect universal
character virtues: Responsibility, Respect, Fairness, Citizenship,
Trustworthiness, Caring, and Civic Responsibility. Each act has
three scenes plus a wrap-up. The scenes present social dilemmas from
different character perspectives and engage the student through role
play, analysis, and discussion. Throughout these activities the
effect of behavior on emotions is stressed. The themes in Workplace
Social Skills are job related, while the themes in Beyond the Basics
are more varied and present more nuanced social situations.
The Teacher’s Guides duplicate the Student Book with complete
worksheets and assignments. The guides also include a Win/Mac CD
with a Classroom License for printouts. By June Stride, EdD.
All books are covered spiral bound, 150–160 pages. Acting Out:
Workplace Social Skills, black and white, 2010; Acting Out: Beyond
the Basics, full color, 2011.
ISBN: 1-57861-697-2
Purchase Options:
- Item# AC-AOS06: Acting Out Social Skills: Beyond the Basics - Student Book Set, two Student Books
- Item# AC-AOS07: Acting Out Social Skills: Beyond the Basics - Introductory Kit,
includes both Student Books and corresponding Teacher Guides
- Item# AC-AOS17: Acting Out Social Skills: Beyond the Basics - Classroom Package,
includes 8 of each of the two Student Books plus 1 of each of the two Teacher’s Guides