Maryland Academic Support Program for Algebra I and Data Analysis, 120 hr, Grades 9-12
Help your students get back on track with our Academic Support
Program for High School Algebra I and Data Analysis (or ASP). With
pacing guides for up to 120 hours of instruction, the Maryland ASP
is designed for credit recovery courses or after-school, tutoring,
summer school, and other extended learning programs.
The Maryland ASP includes components that review, instruct, provide
practice, and assess students' skills. The scope and sequence
addresses the needs of students who require additional support in
topics included in Maryland's Core Learning Goals and HSA for
Algebra and Data Analysis: Solving Equations and Inequalities,
Graphing Linear Equations, Polynomial Operations, Quadratic
Equations, Statistics, and Probability with problem solving,
reasoning and proof, communication, and connections embedded
The program offers a mix of direct instruction, guided practice, and
hands-on group work. Each lesson touches upon the skills that are
important in classrooms, on the HSA, and—most importantly—in
students' everyday lives.
Format: Reproducible, 916 pp
ISBN: 0-8251-6424-9
ISBN13: 978-0-8251-6424-8
ISBN13 Explained
Grades: 9-12
Readability: grades 9-12