Response to Intervention
A Practical Guide for Every Teacher
Item #
by William N. Bender & Cara Shores
Successfully implement Response to Intervention (RTI) in your classroom! This practical guide will help you understand the three tiers of RTI techniques and how you can use research-based interventions to individualize instruction, monitor individual student progress, and implement strategies to meet the specific needs of all students.
Vignettes, examples, and forms based on problem-solving and standards-based approaches to RTI
A chapter illustrating the benefits of RTI techniques
Frequently asked questions
Helpful charts and reproducibles
(K-12) 168 pp
by William N. Bender & Cara Shores
Successfully implement Response to Intervention (RTI) in your classroom! This practical guide will help you understand the three tiers of RTI techniques and how you can use research-based interventions to individualize instruction, monitor individual student progress, and implement strategies to meet the specific needs of all students.
Vignettes, examples, and forms based on problem-solving and standards-based approaches to RTI
A chapter illustrating the benefits of RTI techniques
Frequently asked questions
Helpful charts and reproducibles
(K-12) 168 pp