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1 User
5 Users
Looking for Words
Explore community, home and school
Community exploration program combines reasoning skills with vocabulary
building. Excellent for reading enrichment. Engaging graphics, interesting
animation and clear speech help teach hundreds of words in context. Features
�explore,� �list,� and �picture print� options. In �explore,� students
freely move to different locations, 24 in all, learning new words as they
go. Select any object and it identifies itself. In �list� option, students
search for specific words on their list. Where would you find a basketball,
broom or mailbox? How about a fire hydrant, fire truck or toaster?
Use the �picture print� option to create student activities or illustrated
vocabulary booklets. New feature lets teachers select specific words on
student lists. Scores are saved to track skill development.
Win 98/ME/2000/XP
Mac OS 8.6-9.2, OSX Classic, Native

TF-9048 |
Out and About 2
Special Education
BETT Award Winner 2003 -
Best Special Needs Secondary Software
This second CD-ROM in this popular series contains advanced reading
and writing activities, as well as activities involving money,
pricing and general life skill issues designed for older learners.
The activities include: Cooking, Shopping, Use-by dates, Spelling,
Information gathering, Sequencing and Word processing.
Can be used by non-readers
Uses real-life signs and symbols
Age appropriate graphics and photographs
Choice of male or female voice to guide you through the program
Win 95, 98, ME, 2000, NT;
Pentium 266 MHz; 32 MB RAM; 800 x 600 video, 16 bit color; sound
card; 8 x CD-ROM drive for a standalone installation (not required
for networked workstations).

1 User
5 Users
Overlay for IntelliKeys
WordWise CD
Functional literacy with pictures, text and speech
WordWise combines pictures, words, speech and print features to form a
comprehensive language enrichment package. A student records her voice and
compares it to the computer�s for pronunciation training. Create an
individual word list to build vocabulary. All 588 illustrations are
realistic and appropriate for any age. Includes an instruction and multiple
choice option. A new feature presents the written word with or without a
picture. Touch screen and IntelliKeys compatible.
You can easily create a personalized word file for each student, or choose
from seven preselected lists: Community, house, people, outdoor, actions,
and adjectives. Print out custom picture books for each user. Picture
printouts can be large, medium or small; color or black and white.
Win 98-XP Mac OS 8.6-9.2/OSX