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Big Bang - Win/Mac CD
Cause-and-effect activities for students with profound and multiple learning difficulties
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1 CD
5 User License
Big Bang - Win/Mac CD
A superb collection of cause and effect activities for students with profound
and multiple learning difficulties. Big Bang has eye catching images,
stimulating movement and crazy sound effects and music to match!
It grabs the user's attention and encourages interaction with the computer. Big Bang Action
has explosive animated fireworks, flying bubbles and stars, and wiggling
worms. Or build up the action gradually by pressing a switch, with Big Bang Builds.
See crazy objects moving around the screen in Big
Bang Movement or simply change the color of the screen with Big Bang Color.
Animations and picture builds can be played in different ways to suit the
learner. Use switch, IntelliKeys, keyboard, touch screen or mouse.
"Big Bang has proved to be a great success with our pre-school
children, all of whom have special needs. The pictures are bright
and clear, which gains attention and encourages reaching (for the
touch screen) and tracking. Being able to have the option to change
the directions of the pictures is a good idea as this caters for all
the children's individual needs. Overall it is an excellent program,
especially for the children to gain cause and effect awareness.",
Annette Dearden, Stepping Stones, Developmental Therapy Unit.
Fosters development in::
• Switch use
• Cause and effect
• Mouse/ Trackball/ Joystick
• Keyboard
• Single Switch
• IntelliKeys
• Touchscreen
System Requirements
Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP
Macintosh Classic/OSX
