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Coping with Chaos - Win/Mac CD
An engaging discussion about emotions and appropriate behavior for students of all ages
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1 CD
5 User License
Coping With Chaos is a story based program about emotions and
behavior, designed
for children and adults with autism, behavioral difficulties and/or
learning difficulties.
Sam goes to different places and you must help him cope with the
things that happen to him there. First you must recognize how Sam
feels, then you decide what he does about it.
Coping With Chaos is best used as a tool for discussion about
emotions and appropriate behavior, either one-to-one or with a small
group. By looking after Sam and relating to him, learners will be
encouraged to understand that other people have feelings just like
they do. By controlling Sam•s actions, learners can witness the
consequences of inappropriate behavior. Sam has his own fears and
dislikes just like real people. It is hoped learners will be
prompted to generalize these experiences and develop consideration
for others.
• 14 different mini-stories featuring realistic animations in 3D
• 6 familiar locations (a classroom, cafe etc), providing greater
situational variety. Sam might be bothered by a wasp in the park, or
a loud noise might make him jump.
• Two levels of play. The simpler level is for learners only able to
understand "happy", "sad" and "angry", while the second level adds
emotions like "scared", "bored", "excited" and "embarrassed".
Coping with Chaos is best used on a large display with a group of
students and used as a motivating focus for discussion in a PSHE
lesson. It is suitable for readers and non-readers and all on-screen
text for learners has spoken support.
Switch access options are available for learners who cannot use the
mouse or a touch screen.
Targeted at the following ages:
• All Ages
Coping With Chaos is designed to foster development in the areas
• Choosing with a switch
• Communication
• Multiple Switches
• Single Switch
• Touchscreen
• Keyboard
• Mouse/ Trackball/ Joystick
System Requirements
Windows 2000, XP, Vista
Macintosh OSX 10.2.8 and above
