Switch Skills 1
A collection of easy switch timing activities fun for all ages
� Racing Cars: press when you see a car, to make it race.
� Gorilla: press when you see the fruit.
� Soccer Shoot: press to kick the ball.
� Ready Steady Go: press when the traffic light turns green and you hear "Go!"
� Catch the Crocs: press your switch when you see a crocodile. Can you get all six?
� Monster House: an introduction to switch scanning. Choose a door and press to see if a monster is inside.
� Sunflower: press when the bee reaches the middle of the flower.
The activities have exciting themes that provide all
the motivation needed to help students who
understand cause and effect to develop more
disciplined switch use. The activities also
encourage speaking and listening and help develop
concentration skills. The bright, clear graphics are
suitable for those with visual impairment and there
is lots of sound and music too.
The program keeps statistics about student
performance and the options allow you to make the
games more difficult as the student progresses.
Targets the following age ranges:
� All Ages
Fosters development in:
� Early Concepts
� Cause-and-effect
� Switch Use
� Switch Timing
� Single Switch
� Keyboard
� Mouse, Trackball, Joystick
System Requirements:
Windows 2000, XP, Vista
Macintosh OSX
