United States Software Game & Worksheets
U.S. through its regions, cities, states, capitals, and landmarks
with this fun game. U.S. Software, by PCI�s Janie Hohlt, complements
Janie Haugen�s United States Worksheets and United States Game.
Software can be used with either product or alone.
Game opens to an animation and song, and then the student chooses a
unit from a menu.
� Puzzle Play Student chooses a U.S. region from the map and
arranges the puzzle-piece states in their correct spaces.
� Name It Student chooses from �State Names,� �State
Capitals,� �Major Cities,� �State Landmarks,� and �State
Abbreviations.� Then, he or she answers a question from the
� Travel the U.S. Student must travel through the states that
will allow him or her to move from a starting state to a final
destination, by clicking on adjoining states and correctly
identifying the states �en route.�
� State Search Student selects a region and identifies the
states in that region. When the state is identified correctly, its
puzzle piece will show. The goal is to identify all fifty states of
the U.S. and to complete the entire puzzle.
Several teacher options are available, depending on the level of the
student and timing of game play, allowing for tutorials or two or
three answer choices.
One Mac/Win CD and a Teacher Instruction Guide. Complete Set
includes U.S. Software, United States Worksheets and Game.