Grades 9-13+, Win
This exciting program offers an unbiased look at the world's major
religions. Visit places of worship, learn key vocabulary, view
fascinating slides and videos, and listen to engaging and
informative interviews. Your journey into the complex worlds of 8
different religions will show the way people live, across the street
and around the globe.
The program challenges you to investigate religious beliefs in the
context of everyday issues such as crime, prejudice, war, marriage
and divorce. Your classroom will come alive with discussion and
debate. There's a unique feature that allows you to compare text and
images from two different religions on the same screen. Easy-to-use
icons are at your fingertips, each functioning as a key into the
many chambers of religion and culture. The TrailSave feature
empowers you to create a customized presentation from over 1000
photographs, maps, illustrations, and text entries.
Religions include:
• Buddhism
• Christianity
• Judaism
• Islam
• Sikhism
• Hinduism
• Confucianism
• Shinto
This CD-ROM is a "must have" for teachers and students of Social
Studies and History.
• 8 Religions of the world studied
• Over 1,000 photographs, maps, illustrations, and text
• Modern issues explored in the context of religious beliefs
• Engaging interviews with believers from each religion
• TrailSave feature facilitates research and presentation-building
Minimum system requirements
Win 3.1+, 486 233 MHz, 4 MB RAM,
256 colors, SVGA, 2x CD
Mac OS 8.6+, OSX
Related Product
Exploring World Religions
