Grades 7-13, Win
If a volcano erupts, how will the weather be affected? Students can
investigate such fascinating questions with this documentary-style
program. Thirteen modules crammed with videos, animations, maps, and
diagrams explore topics such as the atmospheric moisture,
temperature, weather change, and urban weather. Each module teaches
students weather concepts and invites them to look at case studies
illustrating those concepts. Then they can evaluate their knowledge
through interactive activities. Menus and clearly labeled buttons
make navigating this exciting program easy.
• Trailsave feature to control and direct the path of investigation.
• Odyssey Scrapbook allows students to gather materials from the disc
for class presentations.
• Assessment Manager tests students' understanding and tracks their
• 13 Interactive modules
• Quality videos, animations, maps, and diagrams
• Case studies illustrate concepts
• TrailSave feature supports research
• Assessment Manager charts progress
Minimum system requirements
Win 3.1+, DOS 5.0+,
486+, SVGA, 4MB RAM, 256 colors, sound card, 8MB disk space, 2x CD
• WeatherWorld
