Complete an ancient tanagram
in the chapel. Kids learn about essential math principles as they explore
each of the 12 rooms. Activities can be chosen at 3 levels of difficulty.
The self-quiz lets students test their new knowledge before leaving each
room. The Logbook feature lets teachers track student progress. A
comprehensive index and on-disc teacher support materials complete this
wonderful educational package.
• Angles and coordinates
• Measuring
• Symmetry, mirrors and reflections
• Circles, area, and perimeter
• Tessellations and solid shapes
• Explore 12 rooms of a medieval castle with a jester as your guide
• Fun activities at 3 levels of difficulty
• Quizzes in each room reinforce learning
• Comprehensive index
• Includes teacher support materials
Minimum system requirements
Win 3.11+, Pentium, 16MB RAM, 256 colors, 640 x 480, 4x CD
Mac OS 7.1, 68040, 8MB RAM
