There are 56 gold coins and 7 pirates who must share
them equally, and it's up to you to do the math! A girl pirate guides you
through pirates' caves, a village and a jungle where you'll complete
stimulating math activities. Students solve fun puzzles, learn fun facts,
and complete quizzes in 12 interactive locations. All activities can be
completed at 3 levels of difficulty. Special features include a logbook
to track student progress, a catalog, a scrapbook for creating multimedia
presentations, and a separate CD with teacher support materials.
• Addition and subtraction
• Multiplication and division
• Fractions
• Percents
• Calculations
• Number facts and properties
• 12 Interactive locations with a pirate as your guide
• Fun puzzles and stimulating math activities
• 3 Levels of difficulty
• Scrapbook for assembling multimedia presentations
• Includes teacher support materials
Minimum system requirements
Win 3.11+, Pentium, 16MB RAM, 256 colors, 640 x 480, 4x CD
Mac OS 7.1, 68040, 8MB RAM
