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Numeracy Bank 6

Covers rounding to 10, 100, 1000, number sequences, primes, equivalent and improper fractions, percentages, brackets, and more




TF-2245 Numeracy Bank 6
Grades 5-8, Inclusion, Win/Mac

Summary of Lessons (Click to expand)

� Multiplying and dividing whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100, or 1000
� Negative numbers
� Rounding to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000
� Number sequences
� Identifying and sorting multiples
� Square numbers
� Prime numbers
� Prime factors
� Equivalent fractions
� Improper fractions and mixed numbers
� Decimal place value ( to three decimal places)
� Reading and writing decimals
� Rounding decimals to the nearest whole number or tenth
� Percentages
� Adding and subtracting near multiples of 10, 100 or 1000
� Adding and subtracting near multiples of 1 (decimals)
� Adding several numbers
� Adding to decimals to make the next higher whole number or tenth
� Adding and subtracting decimals (to two decimal places)
� Using brackets
� Interpreting quotients
� Times tables facts and related division facts
� Doubling and halving decimals
� Multiplying 2-digit numbers by single digit numbers
� Multiplying and dividing decimals by single digit numbers
Learning Objectives:
(Click each heading to expand. Requires JavaScript enabled.)
� Add decimals with 1dp (a complete activity)
� Add decimals with 2dp (a complete activity)
� Add or subtract decimals with 1 or 2dp (a writing activity)
� Add to decimals to make next higher tenth (1) (a complete activity)
� Add to decimals to make next higher tenth (1) (a quiz activity)
� Add to decimals to make next whole number (1) (a quiz activity)
� Add to decimals to make next whole number (2) (a complete activity)
� Change decimals (a quiz activity)
� Compare decimals (a writing activity)
� Decimal sequences (a counting & sequencing activity)
� Double & halve decimals with 1dp (a complete activity)
� Double & halve decimals with 2dp (a complete activity)
� Find a difference of 1.25 - subtract decimals with 2dp (a making activity)
� Find a difference of 13.4 - subtract decimals with 1dp (a making activity)
� Interpret decimals on a calculator (a quiz plus activity)
� Interpret quotients (a quiz plus activity)
� Make 12.67 - add decimals with 2dp (a making activity)
� Make 17.8 - add decimals with 1dp (a making activity)
� Make the nearest whole number - add decimals with 1dp (a making activity)
� Make the nearest whole number - add decimals with 2dp (a making activity)
� Match decimals & fractions (an equivalents activity)
� Match percentages to decimals (an equivalents activity)
� Multiply 2-digit decimals by a single-digit (a writing activity)
� Multiply decimals (with 1 or 2dp) by 10 or 100 (a writing activity)
� Multiply decimals by single-digit numbers (a complete activity)
� Multiply decimals using partitioning (a writing activity)
� Order decimals - up to 2 decimal places (an ordering activity)
� Order decimals - up to 3 decimal places (an ordering activity)
� Read decimal fractions - to 3 decimal places (a quiz plus activity)
� Recognize equivalent decimals & fractions (a quiz activity)
� Round decimals to the nearest whole number (a classify activity)
� Round decimals with 1dp to the nearest whole number (a writing activity)
� Round decimals with 2dp to the nearest tenth (a writing activity)
� Round decimals with 2dp to the nearest whole number (a writing activity)
� Sort fractions, decimals & percentages (a classify activity)
� Subtract decimals with 1dp (a complete activity)
� Subtract decimals with 2dp (a complete activity)
� Understand a quotient as a decimal (a quiz plus activity)
� Understand place value - decimals (a quiz plus activity)
� Write decimal fractions - to 3 decimal places (a writing activity)

� < or > (fractions) (a complete activity)
� Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers (an equivalents activity)
� Find fractions of numbers (a quiz activity)
� Find fractions of quantities (a quiz activity)
� Interpret quotients (a quiz plus activity)
� Match decimals & fractions (an equivalents activity)
� Match fraction notation to words (an equivalents activity)
� Match percentages to fractions (an equivalents activity)
� Order fractions (an order activity)
� Recognize equivalent decimals & fractions (a quiz activity)
� Recognize fractions equivalent to 1/2 & 1/3 (a classify activity)
� Recognize fractions equivalent to 11/10 (a classify activity)
� Recognize fractions equivalent to 4/5 (a classify activity)
� Reduce a fraction to its simplest form (an equivalents activity)
� Relate division & fractions (a quiz activity)
� Relate fractions to division (a quiz activity)
� Relationships between fractions (a quiz activity)
� Solve simple 'for every' problems (a quiz activity)
� Solve simple 'in every' or 'to every' problems (1) (a quiz activity)
� Solve simple 'in every' or 'to every' problems (2) (a quiz plus activity)
� Sort fractions, decimals & percentages (a classify activity)
� Understand a quotient as a fraction (a quiz plus activity)
� Understand parts of whole numbers (a quiz activity)
� Understand the relationship between fractions (a quiz activity)

� Estimate calculations by approximating (a quiz activity)
� Estimate negative numbers & decimals (a quiz plus activity)
� Estimate whole numbers to 100 000 (a quiz plus activity)

Negative Numbers
� Negative numbers in context (a quiz activity)

Odd and even numbers
� Recognize odd & even numbers (a classify activity)
� Understand odd & even numbers (a quiz activity)

� Calculate simple percentages (an equivalents activity)
� Find percentages of numbers (a quiz activity)
� Find percentages of quantities (a quiz activity)
� Match percentages to decimals (an equivalents activity)
� Match percentages to fractions (an equivalents activity)
� Sort fractions, decimals & percentages (a classify activity)
� Understanding percentages (a quiz plus activity)

Place value and ordering
� < or > (whole numbers) (a writing activity)
� Calculate a temperature rise or fall (-ve numbers) (a quiz activity)
� Compare numbers (a quiz activity)
� Divide by 10 (a counting & sequencing activity)
� Divide by 10, 100 or 1000 - decimals (1) (a writing activity)
� Divide by 10, 100 or 1000 - decimals (2) (a complete activity)
� Divide by 10, 100 or 1000 - word problems, decimals (a quiz activity)
� Divide by 10, 100 or 1000 - word problems, whole numbers (a quiz activity)
� Divide whole numbers by 10, 100 or 1000 (1) (a writing activity)
� Divide whole numbers by 10, 100 or 1000 (2) (a complete activity)
� Find a difference of 4 (negative numbers) (a making activity)
� Find a difference of 5 (positive & negative) (a making activity)
� Find a difference of 7 (negative numbers) (a making activity)
� Find a difference of 8 (positive & negative) (a making activity)
� Multiply by 10 (a counting & sequencing activity)
� Multiply decimals by 10, 100 or 1000 - word problems (a quiz activity)
� Multiply decimals by 10, 100 or 1000 (1) (a writing activity)
� Multiply decimals by 10, 100 or 1000 (2) (a complete activity)
� Multiply whole numbers by 10, 100 or 1000 - word problems (a quiz activity)
� Multiply whole numbers by 10, 100 or 1000 (1) (a writing activity)
� Multiply whole numbers by 10, 100 or 1000 (2) (a complete activity)
� Order negative numbers (an ordering activity)
� Order positive & negative numbers (an ordering activity)
� Order positive numbers to 100 000 (an ordering activity)
� Understand multiplying & dividing by 10, 100 or 1000 (a quiz activity)
� Understand place value - whole numbers (a writing activity)
� Write whole numbers in figures (a writing activity)
� Write whole numbers in words (a writing activity)

Properties of numbers
� Find prime factors of 36 (a classify activity)
� Find prime factors of 48 (a classify activity)
� Find prime factors of 60 (a classify activity)
� Identify factors of 100 (an identify activity)
� Identify factors of 56 (an identify activity)
� Identify factors of 72 (an identify activity)
� Identify multiples of 10 (an identify activity)
� Identify multiples of 11 (an identify activity)
� Identify multiples of 12 (an identify activity)
� Identify multiples of 2 (an identify activity)
� Identify multiples of 3 (an identify activity)
� Identify multiples of 4 (an identify activity)
� Identify multiples of 5 (an identify activity)
� Identify multiples of 6 (an identify activity)
� Identify multiples of 7 (an identify activity)
� Identify multiples of 8 (an identify activity)
� Identify multiples of 9 (an identify activity)
� Identify prime numbers to 100 (an identify activity)
� Identify prime numbers to 20 (an identify activity)
� Identify square numbers (an identify activity)
� Know tests of divisibility by 3 & 25 (a classify activity)
� Know tests of divisibility by 6 & 9 (a classify activity)
� Know tests of divisibility by 8 & 9 (a classify activity)
� Ordinal numbers (a quiz plus activity)
� Recognize divisibility (a quiz activity)
� Smallest common multiples (a quiz activity)
� Sort multiples of 2, 3 & 4 (a classify activity)
� Sort multiples of 3 & 5 (a classify activity)
� Sort multiples of 4 & 6 (a classify activity)
� Sort multiples of 5, 6 & 7 (a classify activity)
� Sort multiples of 8, 9 & 10 (a classify activity)
� Square numbers (a quiz activity)

� Round 2, 3 & 4-digit numbers to the nearest 10 (a writing activity)
� Round 3 & 4-digit numbers to the nearest 100 (a writing activity)
� Round 4 & 5-digit numbers to the nearest 1000 (a writing activity)
� Round decimals to the nearest whole number (a classify activity)
� Round decimals with 1dp to the nearest whole number (a writing activity)
� Round decimals with 2dp to the nearest tenth (a writing activity)
� Round decimals with 2dp to the nearest whole number (a writing activity)
� Round large numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 (a writing activity)
� Round measurements to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 (a writing activity)
� Round sensibly after division (a quiz activity)

� Count back beyond zero (a counting & sequencing activity)
� Count on or back in 15s or 25s (a counting & sequencing activity)
� Count on or back in eights (2-digit numbers) (a counting & sequencing activity)
� Count on or back in near multiples of 10 (a counting & sequencing activity)
� Count on or back in nines (2-digit numbers) (a counting & sequencing activity)
� Count on or back in sevens (2-digit numbers) (a counting & sequencing activity)
� Count on or back in sixes (2-digit numbers) (a counting & sequencing activity)
� Count on or back in steps of less than 1 (a counting & sequencing activity)
� Explain number sequences (a quiz plus activity)
� Predict number sequences (a quiz plus activity)

Understanding Addition
� Add three or more 2-digit numbers (an equivalents activity)
� Add 4-digit multiples of 100 (a complete activity)
� Add decimals with 1dp (a complete activity)
� Add decimals with 2dp (a complete activity)
� Add more than three 2-digit numbers (a complete activity)
� Add more than three multiples of 10 (an equivalents activity)
� Add near doubles - decimals (a complete activity)
� Add near doubles - whole numbers (a complete activity)
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 1 - decimals (1) (a writing activity)
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 1 - decimals (2) (a complete activity)
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 10 (1) (a writing activity)
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 10 (2) (a complete activity)
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 100 (1) (a writing activity)
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 100 (2) (a complete activity)
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 1000 (1) (a writing activity)
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 1000 (2) (a complete activity)
� Add or subtract decimals with 1 or 2dp (a writing activity)
� Add three 2-digit numbers (a complete activity)
� Add three multiples of 10 (an equivalents activity)
� Add to decimals to make next higher tenth (1) (a complete activity)
� Add to decimals to make next higher tenth (1) (a quiz activity)
� Add to decimals to make next whole number (1) (a quiz activity)
� Add to decimals to make next whole number (2) (a complete activity)
� Addition strategies (a quiz activity)
� Make 12.67 - add decimals with 2dp (a making activity)
� Make 150 with three multiples of 10 (a making activity)
� Make 17.8 - add decimals with 1dp (a making activity)
� Make 87 with three 2-digit numbers (a making activity)
� Make the nearest whole number - add decimals with 1dp (a making activity)
� Make the nearest whole number - add decimals with 2dp (a making activity)
� Relate addition and subtraction (a quiz activity)
� Understand using near doubles - decimals (a quiz activity)
� Understand using near doubles (a quiz activity)

Understanding Division
� Divide 1 or 2-digit whole numbers by 10 or 100 (a writing activity)
� Division related to multiplication facts (�2, �5, �10) (a complete activity)
� Double & halve decimals with 1dp (a complete activity)
� Double & halve decimals with 2dp (a complete activity)
� Doubles & halves of 2-digit decimals (a complete activity)
� Doubles & halves of 2-digit whole numbers (a complete activity)
� Halves of 2-digit decimals (a writing activity)
� Halves of 2-digit whole numbers (a writing activity)
� Halves of multiples of 10 (a writing activity)
� Halves of multiples of 100 (a writing activity)
� Interpret quotients (a quiz plus activity)
� Mixed multiplication and division questions (a quiz activity)
� Order division facts to 100 � 10 (an order activity)
� Quick multiplication and division facts (x2, x5 & x10) (a writing activity)
� Quick multiplication and division facts (x3 & x4) (a writing activity)
� Quick multiplication and division facts (x6) (a writing activity)
� Quick multiplication and division facts (x7) (a writing activity)
� Quick multiplication and division facts (x8) (a writing activity)
� Quick multiplication and division facts (x9) (a writing activity)
� Relate division & fractions (a quiz activity)
� Relate multiplication and division (a quiz activity)
� Round sensibly after division (a quiz activity)
� Understand a quotient as a decimal (a quiz plus activity)
� Understand a quotient as a fraction (a quiz plus activity)
� Use doubling & halving (a complete activity)

Understanding Multiplication
� Double & halve decimals with 1dp (a complete activity)
� Double & halve decimals with 2dp (a complete activity)
� Doubles & halves of 2-digit decimals (a complete activity)
� Doubles & halves of 2-digit whole numbers (a complete activity)
� Doubles of 2-digit decimals (a writing activity)
� Doubles of 2-digit whole numbers (a writing activity)
� Doubles of multiples of 10 (to 1000) (an equivalents activity)
� Doubles of multiples of 100 (to 10 000) (an equivalents activity)
� Identify x13 table (an identify activity)
� Identify x15 table (an identify activity)
� Identify x16 table (an identify activity)
� Identify x17 table (an identify activity)
� Identify x24 table (an identify activity)
� Identify x28 table (an identify activity)
� Know squares of multiples of 10 (to 100) (a quiz plus activity)
� Mixed multiplication and division questions (a quiz activity)
� Multiply 2-digit decimals by a single-digit (a writing activity)
� Multiply 2-digit whole numbers by a single-digit (a writing activity)
� Multiply decimals (with 1 or 2dp) by 10 or 100 (a writing activity)
� Multiply decimals by single-digit numbers (a complete activity)
� Multiply decimals using partitioning (a writing activity)
� Multiply whole numbers using partitioning (a writing activity)
� Order multiplication facts to 10x10 (an order activity)
� Quick multiplication and division facts (x2, x5 & x10) (a writing activity)
� Quick multiplication and division facts (x3 & x4) (a writing activity)
� Quick multiplication and division facts (x6) (a writing activity)
� Quick multiplication and division facts (x7) (a writing activity)
� Quick multiplication and division facts (x8) (a writing activity)
� Quick multiplication and division facts (x9) (a writing activity)
� Relate multiplication and division (a quiz activity)
� Relate multiplication facts (a complete activity)
� Sort multiplication facts up to 10x10 (a classify activity)
� Understand associative law (a complete activity)
� Understand commutative law (a complete activity)
� Understand distributive law (a complete activity)
� Use brackets (a quiz activity)
� Use doubling & halving (a complete activity)

Understanding Subtraction
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 1 - decimals (1) (a writing activity)
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 1 - decimals (2) (a complete activity)
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 10 (1) (a writing activity)
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 10 (2) (a complete activity)
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 100 (1) (a writing activity)
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 100 (2) (a complete activity)
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 1000 (1) (a writing activity)
� Add or subtract a near multiple of 1000 (2) (a complete activity)
� Add or subtract decimals with 1 or 2dp (a writing activity)
� Calculate differences mentally (a writing activity)
� Count through a multiple of 10 to find a difference (a quiz activity)
� Count through a multiple of 100 to find a difference (a writing activity)
� Count through a multiple of 1000 to find a difference (a quiz activity)
� Find a difference of 1.25 - subtract decimals with 2dp (a making activity)
� Find a difference of 13.4 - subtract decimals with 1dp (a making activity)
� Find differences either side of multiples of 1000 (a complete activity)
� Relate addition and subtraction (a quiz activity)
� Subtract 4-digit multiples of 100 (a complete activity)
� Subtract decimals with 1dp (a complete activity)
� Subtract decimals with 2dp (a complete activity)

Word Problems
� Mixed word problems (a quiz activity)

Minimum system requirements
Win 95+, Pentium 233, 16 bit color, sound card, 32MB RAM recommended, CD-ROM
Mac 68040, OS 8.1, 16 bit color, 32MB RAM recommended

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