Item | Description | Photo | Price |
Scientific Basis |
Teach Town Basics Benefits at School Better Utilization of Resources and Visibility with Parents � TeachTown program is comprehensive and teaches across all domains found in most IEPs (see Product page for details) � Software provides many hours of high-quality Discrete Trial teaching � Software is easy for children and school staff to use � Off-computer generalization activities provide many hours of high-quality naturalistic teaching (such as Pivotal Response Training) � Off-computer generalization activities ideal for paraprofessionals, teachers, or speech therapists with a single child or a group of children � Data collection in software is accurate, quick, efficient, and exceeds reporting requirements for most school districts � Communication system makes it easy to keep families and other providers up to date and allows school staff to check on how child is doing at home and in therapy sessions � TeachTown can easily be integrated into most classrooms and can be used with a large variety of children including typically developing children and children with other special needs |
Research Studies |