' These variables are the folder names
' of the locations of the various components
' used to create each web page,
' list and detail pages:
' (1) photosection is the variable
' for a subfolder of a product category which
' is under the folder with all the images - img.
' (2) pagesection is the variable
' for a folder of a product category which
' holds all of the list pages for a given product.
' This folder holds all of the subfolders of the companies
' and their product detail pages for
' the corresponding product category.
section = "Sx"
sectionname = "Switches, Computer Access and Controls"
photosection = "Sx"
pagesection = "Sx"
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' These variables are used in each company's prices asp page
' (TPPrices.asp for Turning Point products)
' to determine each item's price.
sectiondiscount = 1.00
sectiondeduction = 0.00
Photo Click to enlarge |
2 x 4"
2 x 4"
0.1 x 24"
3 x 5"
Set of 4
Taction Pad Clear adhesive-backed, touch-sensitive plastic patches that act as switches
Taction Pads are clear adhesive-backed, touch-sensitive plastic
patches. When adhered to a surface or object, they act like
switches, activating any of Adaptivation's compatible devices.
When a Taction Pad is touched by some part of the hand or our
Conductive Foam patches (sold separately), the device into which it
is plugged is activated. Taction Pads were designed to operate
specifically with Adaptivation's line of touch activated devices and
will not work with other assistive devices or adapted toys unless
accompanied by the LinkSwitch.
By placing a Taction Pad over a picture, an Adaptivation assistive
device can be activated when that picture (actually the overlying
Taction Pad ) is touched. For example, touching a picture of a lamp
could activate the lamp. Picture boards can be made to talk or
control one's environment when teamed up with other Adaptivation
Where more intuitive switches are needed, objects can become
switches. Imagine touching a glass, then a message such as, "May I
have something to drink please?" plays to a care provider. This
intuitive cause-effect relationship provides a cognitive step beyond
merely placing a button in front of the glass. Taction Pads
facilitate choice selection such as picking one of several color
markers, shown below.
Instead of hitting a button placed next to a tape player, touching a
Taction Pad adhered to the tape player makes the tape player
activate. Taction Pads give teachers and therapists the power to
choose what they feel is the best target object.
Taction Pads are resistant to saliva, hand grime and urine, and can
be cleaned with mild soap and water.
