This is the link between single switch input
devices and Macintosh or PC/Window computers with USB capabilities.
The interface is utilized by software written for 1 to 5 single switches.
No additional driver software is needed for Mac & Windows ME and above.
Just plug in the USB Switch Interface, a single switch and within
a few seconds you will be able to run all kinds of single switch software.
Allows switches to send space, enter, tab, esc, backspace,
up arrow, down arrow, left arrow, right arrow, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 and click.
The computer keyboard is "daisy chained"
through the switch box and still fully operational.
- Supports 1 to 5 switches
- USB hot plug-ins for Mac or PC/Windows
- Standard 1/8" plug for switch connection
- Supports industry standard single switch software applications
- 4 template configurations
- Change templates with a touch of a button
- No additional USB software drivers required