<% ' PAGE VARIABLES ' These variables are the folder names ' of the locations of the various components ' used to create each web page, ' list and detail pages: ' (1) photosection is the variable ' for a subfolder of a product category which ' is under the folder with all the images - img. ' (2) pagesection is the variable ' for a folder of a product category which ' holds all of the list pages for a given product. ' This folder holds all of the subfolders of the companies ' and their product detail pages for ' the corresponding product category. section = "Sx" sectionname = "Switches, Computer Access and Controls" photosection = "Sx" pagesection = "Sx" ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' PRICE VARIABLES ' These variables are used in each company's prices asp page ' (TPPrices.asp for Turning Point products) ' to determine each item's price. sectiondiscount = 1.00 sectiondeduction = 0.00 %> Talking Buddy Communication Device


small text normal text large text <% ' 1st 3 lines make and style Back & Forward buttons ' The remainder inserts << Home and, ' optionally << LINK_TO_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_INDEX_PAGE ' (ONLY if you are in the 2nd level subdirectories: ' the individual company subdirectories ' of a product category subdirectory) ' %>
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Talking Buddy

Description Photo Price




- 20 seconds of recorded time
- 9V battery included
- Option to use alternate external single switch
- Volume on-off control Cable connection jack allows you to access any switch adapted toy or appliance at the same time
- Available in yellow (shown to right) or red

4.5 x 1.5" / 1 lb
11 x 4 cm / 300 g
