Basic Menu Math Game
This money-math restaurant game, by PCI's Janie Haugen-McLane, gives
students a unique, "hands-on" way to practice adding food prices.
Draw cards present math problems that reinforce the basic skills
covered in the print and software versions of Basic Menu Math. All
food prices have been changed from the original print program to
provide new addition problems.
The colorful game board has 12 squares where players stop to buy
meals: Fast Food, Restaurant, and Cafeteria squares. Each square
features a food illustration to assist players with identifying the
type of restaurant. Three realistic "eating out" event squares add
excitement and variation to the game. For example, after landing on
the "Celebrate Your Birthday" square, players are able to choose a
card from any deck.
The draw cards cover foods sold at the five restaurants from the
original print program: 20 Fast Food cards for Biggie Burger and
Chicken Basket, 20 Restaurant cards for American Cafe and Around the
World, and 20 Cafeteria cards for Mom's Cafeteria. For basic
addition practice, 30 of the cards have students work problems with
no regrouping. The remaining 30 cards require regrouping.
The math problems from the draw cards are included on game
worksheets for students to use when playing the game. These sheets
allow students to work the problems on paper, instead of in their
heads, making the game adaptable for each student's needs. The
worksheets can also be used for take-home addition practice or
in-class assessments.
Players land on a game-board square and select a matching draw card.
They find the corresponding math problem from the draw card on their
game worksheets and do the math. Game play can be enhanced with
PCI's Money Calc.
A Game Board with restaurant squares, 60 Addition Draw Cards, 6
Playing Pieces, and a Teacher's Guide with reproducible game