With increased emphasis on students meeting state academic
standards, instructors of students with moderate and severe
disabilities have wondered about their role. Will they continue to
integrate their students in the regular classrooms and in the
general curriculum? Or will their participation in alternate
assessments aligned to alternate achievement standards leave them
stranded in self-contained classrooms once again?
According to authors Ginevra Courtade-Little and Diane Browder, the
answer lies in aligning students� IEPs to state standards consistent
with students� grade and ability levels. By following this book,
your students with significant disabilities can participate in
parallel activities directly related to the general curriculum. For
example, when meeting a math state standard in measurement, have the
student match coins to a linear jig to purchase an item.
It's really quite simple: You write IEP goals on standard-based
content areas that are appropriate for a student's grade level and
ability. This valuable and unique book does just that: Shows you how
to construct student IEPs with goals aligned to each state's
academic content standards for each student's assigned grade and
ability level.
Softbound book, 100 pp, includes Win/Mac CD with printable PDF,