Basic Geography
This unique binder, written by Kristina Swann, was designed
for struggling learners who need help understanding basic geography
concepts. The binder breaks each concept into small chunks to help
students comprehend geography fundamentals and to develop related
skills. Short lessons are followed by multiple practice activity
sheets so students can firmly grasp a concept before moving on to
the next lesson.
Basic Geography covers key geography concepts with a focus on the
United States, which helps make the concepts relevant to students'
lives. The binder can be used in any history or social studies
classroom to support the existing curriculum. It features four units
with 8 to 10 lessons in each. Every lesson includes a short reading
passage and skills activity sheets. Reviews and tests are provided
in addition to a complete answer key.
• Locations: Covers maps, grids, latitude and longitude, map
projections, and types of maps.
• Places and Regions: Covers landforms and water systems, climates,
and cultural geography.
• Movement of People, Ideas, and Goods: Covers population, migration,
transportation, economic geography, world trade, and communication.
• The United States: Covers U.S. regions, physical features and
climate, people, and natural resources.