Job Search Curriculum
Structured exploration using simulated Web sites & traditional methods of responding to job ads
Use JobWeb to get valuable vocational information by exploring
30 simulated Web sites using your Internet browser.
Exploration is guided by structured activities like:
• Job vocabulary search,
• Company background investigation,
• Submitting interest in a job via email and
• Printing job applications.
The Jobs Ads & Career Paths book focuses on the application
process for jobs commonly found in your community. Includes 150
student worksheets that can be photocopied or printed from PDF.
Worksheets cover job comparisons, interest matching and "finding the
150 student worksheets that can be photocopied or printed from PDFs. Worksheets cover job
comparisons, interest matching and “finding the details.”
Book, spiral bound, 233 pp with printable PDFs on a
Win/Mac CD
System Requirements
Windows XP & Vista
Macintosh OSX, PowerPC & Intel
