See Description
Assistive Technology Tracker Plus
AT Tracker Plus will help you document the following:
1. Assistive Technology Referrals:
Allows you to track needed information on each individual: date
referral is received, name of person receiving AT services, site, AT
contact or team member, ID #, parents name, address, phone numbers,
type of referral.
2. AT Assessments:
Allows you to track the date assessment is completed, AT team member
that provides the assessment, recommendations made by the AT
3. AT technical supports:
Allows you to track the number of times that you provide technical
support to an individual who has received an AT assessment.
4. Equipment Inventory:
Allows you to track new equipment that has been received. You can
track the equipment by serial number or any number that you choose
such as a property control number.
5. Equipment check out/in:
Allows you to check out/in equipment for an individual. The
equipment is checked out according to what has been added to the
inventory. You can assign a Due Date and print out a report when
equipment is due at the end of school or loan period. Keeps a record
of equipment that the individual has used in the past.
6. Equipment repair:
Allows you to track equipment that needs to be sent off for repair.
You can track the equipment by serial number or any number that you
choose such as the property control number or barcode.
Versions (pricing for large institutions available upon request):
ATP-01 |
1K Single version (1st User) Tracks up to 1,000 individuals |
$ 525.00 |
ATP-011 |
Additional Stations for single version (per station) |
$ 175.00 |
ATP-NT-10 |
1K Network version (Unlimited users) |
$ 1,325.00 |
ATP-05 |
5K Version Tracks up to 5,000 individuals |
$ 1,365.00 |
ATP-NT-50 |
50K Network version (Unlimited users) |
$ 2,725.00 |
ATP-10 |
10K Version Tracks up to 10,000 individuals |
$ 2,975.00 |
ATP-NT-010 |
10K Network version (Unlimited users) |
$ 3,535.00 |
System Requirements
Windows 98, 2000, XP (Pro/Home)

1K Version
5K Version
10K Version