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Making Sense with Letters
Helps develop visual perception, memory, & language skills
Different word building activities using 300 different graphics and sounds. Find the
initial sound, fill in the missing letter, listen and type and unscramble the letters.
Making Sense with Letters is designed for pre-school and pre-literacy use,
to help develop visual perception, memory and language skills. There are 9
different activities, some requiring auditory perception as well as visual
perception. Rewards take the form of a picture of the completed word,
together with speech.
Alphabet game - Press a letter on the keyboard.
The letter appears on the screen as upper and lower case, accompanied by a
picture of something that uses the chosen letter as its initial.
Copy the word - A word is shown on the screen
in gray. The letters must be copied to fill the boxes below. When the word
is complete a picture of the word is shown and the word is spoken.
Listen - type the letter - A picture is shown
on the screen. The word is completed by listening to and copying each letter
of the word. When the word is complete the word is spoken.
Initial letter - Find the correct initial
letter for a picture. Click on the picture to hear it spoken.
Rebus - Complete a word by finding the initial
letters of the pictures shown in place of the letters.
Type the missing letter - Work out what the
missing letters are to spell the word shown as a picture.
Listen - type the word - Spell a word by
listening to it being spoken.
Unscramble the word - Complete the word by
unscrambling the letters shown in gray. No aural or visual clues to the word
are given.
Letter hunt - Find the corresponding letters on
the keyboard as they appear on the conveyor belt. When a correct match is
made the letter disappears. Crank the handle on the 'letter machine' to make
the letters appear more quickly! If a letter drops off the conveyor belt the
game is over and the points are awarded.
The 'Options' window allows you to set the difficulty level, use of sound
and which word lists are to be used.
Words can be added, changed or deleted by using the buttons at the bottom of
the screen. There are 6 word lists to choose from. These word lists can be
used however you like to group sets of words. The lists are arranged by
difficulty level, so list 1 is the easiest while list 6 is the hardest. You
can restrict the words shown and you can combine word lists. A separate
program called Making Sense with Letters Editor allows the standard word
lists to be edited and rearranged. It also allows new word lists to be
New pictures or sound can be added from your hard disc by using the 'get'
System Requirements:
Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP
Age range:
� Early Primary
� Mid Primary
Foster development in the areas of:
� Early concepts
� Literacy
� Mouse, Trackball, Joystick
� Intellikeys
� Keyboard
� Single switch
