Early Learning I

Counting Numbers





Early Learning I
1 User

5 Users

Switch Accessible Symbol

Early Learning I: Counting Numbers

The Counting Numbers program familiarizes the student with numbers from 0 to 20. When the program is selected for the student to use with the keyboard, the teacher or parent should place the numbers overlay on the keyboard with the 1 over the �1� key or the �Z� key.

The lower levels display a number of icons and the number itself on the screen. The computer counts the icons as they are displayed. The student is asked to find the number. As the difficulty level increases, the clues are gradually taken away until the student is counting with no help from the computer.

When a correct answer is given, the program displays the selected number at the bottom of the screen. If a wrong answer is given, the answer is shown on screen, the student is corrected and given another chance to answer. After a specified number of wrong answers is given, the student is shown the correct answer and allowed to try again.

Counting Numbers can be set to use any range of numbers from 0 to 20. For instance, you can practice 1 through 3 today and 4 through 6 tomorrow. The default is 1 through 9.

Interface Options:
Supports keyboard, mouse, touch screen, IntelliKeys, and single- or dual-switch input.
Single- and dual-switch scanning are built-in (6 different ways), and special prompts allow blind students to use all levels of difficulty.

System Requirements
Win 98+  Mac 9.0.4+, OSX Native

Difficulty Levels:

Early Learning I: Counting Numbers

1 User
5 Users
  Level 1

� Displays a number for the student to find.
� The student types the number on the keyboard or clicks it on the screen.

Early Learning I: Counting Numbers

  Level 2

� Same as level 1 with the numbers presented in random order.
Early Learning I: Counting Numbers

  Level 3

� Asks the student to find a number.
� The student is not shown the number specifically, but identifies it as the last number in the counting sequence.

Early Learning I: Counting Numbers
  Level 4

� Asks the student to find the number counted by recognizing the sound of the number as it is spoken.
� Mouse and touch screen users use an on-screen number line to answer.

Early Learning I: Counting Numbers  
  Level 5

� The student counts the objects independently without the aid of the voice.
� On this and all higher levels, the student is actually counting rather than just identifying a number.

Early Learning I: Counting Numbers  
  Level 6

� The student counts the objects independently without the aid of the voice.
� On this and all higher levels, the student is actually counting rather than just identifying a number.

Early Learning I: Counting Numbers  
  Level 7

� The student counts the objects independently without the aid of the voice.
� On this and all higher levels, the student is actually counting rather than just identifying a number.

Early Learning I: Counting Numbers  
  Level 8

� The student counts the objects independently without the aid of the voice.
� On this and all higher levels, the student is actually counting rather than just identifying a number.

Early Learning I: Counting Numbers  