What Comes Next teaches the student to recognize patterns by
presenting a sequence of objects varying in color, shape and size.
The student looks at the sequence displayed and selects the object
that would come next in the sequence.
The sequences can be solved by color, shape or by alternating
between color and shape.
Levels of Difficulty
Level 1
The student chooses either the correct color or shape to complete the sequence.
The sequence consists of objects all having the same color or the same shape.
Level 2
The objects in the sequence alternate between 2 colors or 2 shapes.
Level 3
The sequence must be solved for both color and shape.
Level 4
The student must identify a separate pattern for color and shape in
order to make the right choice.
Level 5
The shape and color patterns must be recognized in objects of
different sizes.
Level 6
The sequences alternate between color, shape and size.