Celtic Culture 6CD Set
Grades 3-12, Win/Mac
Minimum system requirements
Win 95+, Pentium 133 MHz, 2x CD, 640x480
Mac Power PC+, 2x CD, thousands of colors, 640x480
Includes the following (available separately):
• A History of the Scottish People 1840-1940
• Kiloran Bay: A Viking Pack
• Houses and Households from 4000 B.C.
• Scottish Country Dance
• A History of the Shale Oil Industry
• Vikings
• A History of the Scottish People 1840-1940 investigates 100 years of
history with a tremendous archive of photos, film, statistics, maps,
and text. Grades 7-12.
• A History of the Shale Oil Industry takes you underground on a tour
of the once-great oil industry, and leads you through virtual
experiments that make science fun. Grades 6-12.
• Dig through Longboat artifacts to draw conclusions about Viking
society in Kiloran Bay: A Viking Pack, where students become
archeologists. Grades 3-7.
• Strap on your dancing shoes and learn the steps and formations of
traditional dances from Scottish Country Dance, a lively program
with 3D animation and instruction. Grades 6-12.
• Visit a fascinating array of households from 4,000 B.C. to the
present with the legendary Welsh figure Seithenin as your guide in
Houses and Households. Grades 4-10.
• Become an archeologist, a scientist, and a historian as you travel
back in time in The Vikings. Grades 3-8.
