Grades 9-13+, Win
You won't find a more comprehensive multimedia resource for World
War II studies anywhere. This interactive CD-ROM won the
International EMMA award for the best educational title. The
creators of this invaluable program have archived hundreds of
photographs, audio clips, maps, and pages upon pages of fascinating
text, so that you and your students can investigate the causes and
events of the war. Five interactive videos introduce you to the
origins of the war in Europe, the Blitzkrieg, Japanese expansion,
and the Far Eastern conflict. Explore events, themes, and
biographies related to those topics. The map section provides a
geographical perspective of the war, giving access to 28 countries
and 32 specific events. The wealth of information can be searched
through the index or by keyword. A wonderful feature called
Trailsave allows students to bookmark material, and serves as a
valuable research tool for tracking data and preparing classroom
• Award-winning educational title
• Hundreds of photos, audio clips, maps, and text
• 5 Videos introduce major events of WWII
• 28 Countries and 32 events presented in map section
• TrailSave feature serves as valuable research tool
Minimum system requirements
Win 3.1+, 486, 4MB RAM, SVGA, 256 colors, 2x CD
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