Stop Motion Pro Studio HD
Grades 7 - 13+, Inclusion; Windows/Intel Mac with Win XP-7
Created for animation professionals, Stop Motion Pro Studio HD is
perfect for secondary and postsecondary institutions interested in
making animation with the best tools available.
Editions compared.
Call (877) 608-9812 for free trial version.
Stop Motion Pro Studio HD couples unlimited resolution capture
(dependent on hardware) with uncompressed image storage. Studio HD
is the total solution for high schools, universities, creative
professionals and studios alike.
Stop Motion Pro Studio HD couples unlimited resolution capture
(dependent on hardware) with uncompressed image storage. Studio HD
is the total solution for high schools, universities, creative
professionals and studios alike.
All the Features of Stop Motion Pro Action! & HD (below) plus:
- RAW image acquisition (from Nikon or Canon cameras) with
instant display. RAW import and Export using popular RAW
- Stop Motion Pro HD is compatible with Canon and Nikon DSLR
cameras with "live view" for the video assist.
- Group hide functionality in the editor.
- DOP controls for DSLR capture control.
- Intercut your shot with other animation using the Timeline
- Dual monitor support - keep your menus on one screen, with
another screen dedicated totally to the animation view.
- Production management - extended to Production/Shot/Shot
type/Take data .
Features of Stop Motion Pro Action!
- Preview animation as you film it instantly.
- Paint directly onto frames.
- Edit your animation with thumbnail views.
- Add a sound track with a microphone or using a pre recorded audio clip.
- Use chroma key (blue/green screen) for special effects.
- Onionskin the live video (so you can compare live video to previously captured frames).
- Export video compatible with video editing applications,
such as Creaza Education or Tool Factory Movie Maker.
- Backup animation projects automatically to a network server (in Network editions).
Additional Features of Stop Motion Pro Action! HD:
- Preview animation as you film it instantly at a full 30 frames per second.
- Control exposure and capture frames from Canon and Nikon
Live view DSLR cameras.
- Resolution of high res images is only limited by your hardware.
- Loop animation sequences ("loop range"), to get a better
feel for the animation flow, you can include the live view from
your camera to see how the movement is progressing.
- Additional looping controls are Loop last and Loop single.
- Rig removal tools so you can use wires and props to support puppets and sets.
- Programmable shortcut keys and the Stop Motion Pro parallel
port remote control interface are also available with this
- Overlay a frame counter and TV safe zone.
- DOP control functionality.
- Integrated student management system ensuring that a student
can only view and edit their own animation. Teachers can view
the work of all students.
Minimum System Requirements
- Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 OR
- Intel MAC with Apple bootcamp & Windows XP, Vista, or 7 installed
- 1.8 + GHz CPU
- 1 GB RAM
- 10 GB hard drive space.
Purchase Options
- Single Unit, Commercial, Item# TF-09204C1
- Single Unit, Educational, Item# TF-09204
- 20 Pack: 20 stand-alone, non-networked copies, Item# TF-09204S20
- Network Version: Unlimited computers at a single location & network,
Item# TF-09204N
Professional Testimonials
- "Our students learns to work in groups, develop ideas, make
storyboards, working with their hands, a little bit of anatomy,
analysis of movements, how to make a movement look natural,
composition of pictures, how to build up a scenery, the dependence
in each other making the movie, the need for cooperation for reaching
a goal together.", Morten Kulseng, Sentrum skole
- Stop Motion Pro recently has been used to produce the movie
The Pirates! Band of Misfits
and in filming the series
Wallace and Gromit.
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