LipSync Pro
Grades 3 - 13+, Inclusion; Windows/Intel Mac with Win XP-7
Give your characters a voice with Stop
Motion Pro's new stand-alone lip sync tool! Lip Sync Pro is
a software application for planning ("breaking down")
dialogue for animation. Breaking down dialogue before
filming means you can save time and focus on your
character's performance.
Lip Sync Pro offers:
- Flexibility to allocate mouth shapes in different ways, make your characters talk with accurate lip sync.
- Use the inbuilt mouth sets or create your own.
- Easy to use mouse or keyboard shortcuts to select mouth shapes.
- Ability to add comments to any frame.
- Import and export in the Stop Motion Pro X-Sheet prompt tool format.
- Generate “rotoscope” video files with text overlays to help you animate.
- Audio files that are directly compatible with Stop Motion Pro.
- Multiple ways of working, which means you can master lip sync quickly and easily.
Minimum System Requirements
- Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 OR
- Intel MAC with Apple bootcamp & Windows XP, Vista, or 7 installed
- 1.8 + GHz CPU
- 1 GB RAM
- 10 GB hard drive space.
Purchase Options
- Single Unit, Item# TF-09205
- 20 Pack: 20 stand-alone, non-networked copies at a single location Item# TF-09205S20
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